Marianne Sørensen - co-founding member of the Danish Chamber Orchestra
I simply love my recently bought Viaud-violin, and am looking forward for it to flourish even more in the time to come.
Claudia Osés, Espagne - Violoniste
J’adore mon violon que Noémie Viaud a construit. Il a un son très rond avec une qualité incroyable. Je peux m’envoler à travers ses cordes et je suis une violoniste bien meilleure grâce à lui. Je suis vraiment reconnaissante d’avoir ce violon dans ma vie.
Claudia Osés, Spanien - Violinist
Jeg er forelsket i min Viaud violin. Den har en meget rund klang med forbløffende kvalitet. Jeg flyver gennem dens strenge, og jeg er en meget bedre violinist takket være den. Jeg er virkelig taknemmelig for at have denne violin i mit liv.
Jérémie Nazé - Freelance, Paris
J'ai commandé un alto à Noémie en 2019 et je la remercie pour son magnifique travail. La sonorité de mon alto correspond parfaitement à la sonorité que je recherchais. Noémie est une personne très à l'écoute avec qui j'ai eu des échanges passionnants. Grâce à son talent et son intelligence, j'ai l'immense plaisir de jouer un magnifique instrument.
Jérémie Nazé - Freelance, Paris
Jeg bestilte en bratsch fra Noémie i 2019, og jeg takker hende for hendes fantastiske arbejde. Min bratsch har nøjagtigt den klang, som jeg ledte efter. Noémie er en meget opmærksom person, som jeg havde fascinerende diskussioner med. Takket være hendes talent har jeg den enorme glæde at spille et storslået instrument.
Jérémie Nazé - Freelance, Paris
I commissioned a viola from Noémie in 2019 and I can’t thank her enough for her amazing work. My viola has exactly the sound that I was looking for. Noémie is a very attentive person with whom I had fascinating discussions. Thanks to her talent, I have the immense pleasure of playing a magnificent instrument.
Claudia Osés, Spain - Violinist at
I’m in love with my Viaud violin. It has a very round sound with astonishing quality. I can fly through its strings and I’m a much better violinist thanks to it. I’m really grateful for having this violin in my life.
Carl-Oscar Østerlind - Cellist,
In Autumn 2019, I had been on the look out for an instrument for quite some time. Having tried many instruments, old and new, at various luthiers and dealers in London and Copenhagen, one day I got to try Noémie’s new cello. The first thing that struck me was that it felt very comfortable to play. It has a great bass and an A-string that sings beautifully. I tried it in a concert hall, comparing it to old master instruments by Grancino, Testore and Tecchler and found that already then, it could compete with these great instruments. Built with supreme craft(wo)manship, this instrument already has many wonderful sound qualities, and I believe it has the potential of becoming a top instrument.
Sidsel Feher Most - Freelance bratschist, København
Jeg er simpelthen så glad for min Viaud-Aupperle bratsch, det er slet ikke til at beskrive. Den er klar, artikuleret, utroligt let at spille på, man kan spille vildt hurtigt og samtidig have den mest fantastisk klang. Jeg er så glad!
Cello, 2019

Claus Myrup, Alto solo, The Danish National Symphony Orchestra
Pendant plusieurs années, j’ai cherché un nouvel alto et j'ai essayé tous les instruments qui sont passés sur ma route. En septembre 2015, j'ai eu un instrument entre les mains pour lequel j’ai complétement craqué dès les premiers instants. Je l'ai ramené à la maison, je l'ai essayé, je l’ai comparé avec le Storioni que je joue ainsi qu’avec de nombreux vieux instruments et d’autres altos de luthiers contemporains renommés. J'ai joué des concerts de musique de chambre et d’autres avec l’orchestre symphonique et j'ai décidé de l'acheter. Il est facile et agréable à jouer, il est très égal, il est bien équilibré, possède un son rond et complexe et a un volume incroyable dans la salle de concert. Je suis maintenant l’heureux propriétaire d’un bel alto construit par Noémie Viaud.
Claus Myrup, The Danish National Symphony Orchestra, solo viola player
I had been looking for a new viola for quite few years and I had tried all the instruments that passed my way. In September 2015, I was handed a viola that I completely fell for from the first minut. I brought it home and compared it with my Storioni and I also compared it too many old master instruments and new made ones. I played symphony and chamber music on it and decided to buy it. It is very easy and comfortable to play, it’s well balanced and has a round and complexed sound and it has an incredible volume in the hall. So now, I'm a lucky and happy owner of a beautiful viola built by Noémie Viaud.
Claus Myrup, DR symfoniorkester solo bratschist
Jeg har i flere år søgt efter en nybygget bratsch, og har prøvet alle de instrumenter jeg har kunnet komme i nærheden af. I september 2015 fik jeg så en bratsch i hånden som jeg øjeblikkelig blev facineret af. Jeg fik den med hjem, prøvede den, og sammenlignede den med den Storioni jeg ellers spiller på, og andre gamle mesterinstrumenter samt adskellige nybyggede. Jeg spillede symfoni og kammermusik koncerter på den, og besluttede mig for at købe den.
Den er meget let og behagelig at spille på, den er egal, klinger skønt og rundt og har en utrolig volumen ud i salen.
Så nu er jeg en lykkelig og glad ejer af en skøn bratsch bygget af Noémie Viaud.
Yorrick Troman - Violon solo, Orquesta Sinfónica de Navarra
Notre relation avec notre instrument est une chose tellement complexe. Nous devons croire en lui, lui faire confiance et être sûr qu’il sera là pour nous dans n'importe quelle situation. Le violon de Noémie est un instrument fantastique, facile à jouer, équilibré, puissant, avec un son riche qui me permet de me concentrer entièrement sur ma tâche personnelle: jouer de la musique! Je joue principalement en tant que violon solo, ce qui est une situation difficile pour l'instrument. L’instrument a besoin de se mélanger au groupe ... Mais aussi de sauter et de remplir le salle chaque fois qu'un solo arrive. Noémie est une créatrice fine et exigeante, ses instruments sont construits pour durer et s'améliorent avec le temps. Vous pouvez mon violon dans l'enregistrement récent de mon trio: Les Tromano Gran Bazar.
Yorrick Troman - Concert master, Orquesta Sinfónica de Navarra
Our relation to our instrument is such a complex thing. We put so much of our confidence in it, have to trust it, believe that it will be there for us in any situation. Noémie's violin is a fantastic instrument, easy to play, balanced, powerful, with a rich tone that makes me focus entirely on my personal task: play music! I mainly play as concertmaster, which is a difficult situation for the instrument. Need the sound to mix in the group... But also pop up and fill the hall whenever a solo comes. You can hear Noémie's violin in my trio's recording: Les Tromano Gran Bazar.
Yorrick Troman - Concert master, Orquesta Sinfónica de Navarra
Our relation to our instrument is such a complex thing. We put so much of our confidence in it, have to trust it, believe that it will be there for us in any situation. Noémie's violin is a fantastic instrument, easy to play, balanced, powerful, with a rich tone that makes me focus entirely on my personal task: play music! I mainly play as concertmaster, which is a difficult situation for the instrument. Need the sound to mix in the group... But also pop up and fill the hall whenever a solo comes. You can hear Noémie's violin in my trio's recording: Les Tromano Gran Bazar.
Ananna Maria Lützhøft - violoncelliste, Aarhus Symphony Orchestra
J'ai commandé un violoncelle de Noémie Viaud en 2014 et de pouvoir participer au processus de création a été une expérience formidable. Je joue mon violoncelle tous les jours dans l'AASO, il a un son puissant, chaleureux et réactif. C'est un vrai plaisir de le jouer! Noémie arrive également très bien à comprendre mes préférences sonores et à effectuer les ajustements nécessaires.
Ananna Maria Lützhøft - cellist, Aarhus symfoniorkester
Jeg bestilte en cello fra Noémie Viaud i 2014 og at deltage i fremstillingsprocessen var en fremragende oplevelse. Jeg spiller min cello hver dag i AASO, og den har en varm, kraftig og levende lyd. Det er en rigtig god fornøjelse at spille på den! Noémie har også været god til at forstå mine klang præferencer og til at foretage de nødvendige justeringer.
Ananna Maria Lützhøft - cellist, Aarhus Symphony Orchestra
I commissioned a cello from Noémie Viaud in 2014 and being part of the making process was a wonderful experience. I play my cello everyday in the AASO and it has a powerful , warm and responsive sound. It’s a real pleasure to play it! Noémie has also been very good at understanding my preferences and at carrying out the necessary adjustments.
Jaime Amador - Harlem Quartet
I own a viola that was a common project in between Noémie and the American luthier, Ryan Soltis. My viola is powerful, quick responding and warm, I love it!
Jaime Amador - Harlem Quartet
I own a viola that was a common project in between Noémie and the American luthier, Ryan Soltis. My viola is powerful, quick responding and warm, I love it!
Jaime Amador - Harlem Quartet
I own a viola that was a common project in between Noémie and the American luthier, Ryan Soltis. My viola is powerful, quick responding and warm, I love it!
Idinna Alsbirk Lützhøft - Violoniste, Copenhagen Phil
Depuis des années, j'ai la chance de jouer sur de beaux violons anciens et coûteux provenant de différentes fondations. Mais comme il s’agit d’un prêt à échéance, j’ai également cherché un instrument à acheter pendant toutes ces années, mais il me semblait impossible de trouver un violon à la fois conforme à mes exigences professionnelles et d’un prix abordable. Un jour, j'ai reçu le violon de Noémie dans mes mains et j'ai été immédiatement convaincu que c'était le remplacement idéal de mon petit Amati. Son violon est puissant, a de belles couleurs et est facile à jouer sans mauvaises surprises. Il se fond bien dans l'orchestre symphonique, mais il a aussi assez de puissance et de charme pour jouer de la musique solo et de la musique de chambre. Je suis heureuse d’avoir enfin trouvé mon instrument et je me réjouis à l’ídée du chemin que nous allons parcourir tout au long de notre vie.
Idinna Alsbirk Lützhøft - Violonist, Copenhagen Phil
Jeg har siden konservatorietiden været så heldig at spille på skønne, gamle og dyre violiner fra forskellige fonde. Men da det jo er lån med tidsfrist har jeg også løbende kigget efter et instrument at købe, men det syntes så godt som umuligt at finde en violin der både levede op til mine profesionelle krav og var i en prisklasse jeg kunne være med i. Da jeg en dag fik Noémies violin i hænderne var jeg med det samme overbevist om at her var erstatningen til min lille Amati. Hendes violin har en stor og ubesværet klang, skønne farver og er let at spille på uden ubehagelige overraskelser. Den blander fint ind i symfoniorkestrets violingruppe, men har også både power og charme nok til solistiske og kammermusikalske opgaver. Jeg er glad for endelig at have fundet mit instrument og glæder mig til det livslange forhold vi nu har indledt.
Idinna Alsbirk Lützhøft - Violonist, Copenhagen Phil
Since my time in the conservatory, I had been lucky that a foundation lent me beautiful, old and expensive violins. Since they are on loan, I had been looking for an instrument to call my own, but it seemed impossible to find a violin that both lived up to my professional requirements and was in my price range. When I received Noémie's violin, I was immediately convinced that here was the replacement of my little Amati. Her violin has a big and effortless sound, beautiful color and is easy to play. It blends well into the symphony orchestra, but it also has enough power and charm for solo and chamber music. I'm glad to finally have found my instrument and I’m looking forward to the lifelong relationship we have started.
Jane Clark - Freelance fiddler
The Danish National Symphony Orchestra
Nous étions tellement enchantés de l’alto que Noémie a fabriqué pour Claus Myrup que nous en avons commandé un à Noémie. Nous l'avons depuis un moment maintenant et tout le monde dans le groupe d’alto en est ravi!
DR SymfoniOrkestret
Vi var så begejstrede for Claus Myrups Viaud bratsch, at vi har bestilt en tilsvarende af Noémie. Den har vi nu haft i et stykke tid og alle i bratsch gruppen er meget glade for den!
The Danish National Symphony Orchestra
We were so thrilled about Claus Myrup’s Viaud viola that we ordered one from Noémie. We’ve had it for a while now and everyone in the viola group is very delighted about it!
Enrique Santiago Cabrera - freelance violinist, London, Isbilia quartet
I had tried many different violins for years, looking for the one that would convince me. When I played a Viaud violin for the first time, it was exactly what I had been looking for! Well compensated, easy to play and with a warm and powerful sound. I really felt in love with this violin and each day with it, I love it even more! It’s a great pleasure to play on it
Enrique Santiago Cabrera - freelance violinist, London, Isbilia quartet
I had tried many different violins for years, looking for the one that would convince me. When I played a Viaud violin for the first time, it was exactly what I had been looking for! Well compensated, easy to play and with a warm and powerful sound. I really felt in love with this violin and each day with it, I love it even more! It’s a great pleasure to play on it
Enrique Santiago Cabrera - freelance violinist, London, Isbilia quartet
I had tried many different violins for years, looking for the one that would convince me. When I played a Viaud violin for the first time, it was exactly what I had been looking for! Well compensated, easy to play and with a warm and powerful sound. I really felt in love with this violin and each day with it, I love it even more! It’s a great pleasure to play on it
Henrik Brendstrup - Cellist, Professor at The Royal Academy of Music, Aarhus ,Denmark
Over the last couple of years, I have come across several of Noémie Viaud´s beautiful instruments, and they have all been examples of an extremely high level of craftmanship. Playing the instruments, they speak easily and possess a warm and fullbodied sound. As a repairer of instruments Noémie also shows extraordinary skills, and her sound adjustment has proven very helpful for me. I can fully recommend all of her work, and encourage any musician to try her instruments.
Henrik Brendstrup - Cellist, Professor at The Royal Academy of Music, Aarhus ,Denmark
Efter at have fulgt Noémies fine håndværk og beundret hendes smukke instrumenter på afstand gennem nogle år, kan jeg nu omsider kalde mig den lykkelige ejer af en Viaud-cello!
Det er et fantastisk instrument, elegant bygget og med uendelige muligheder for udvikling.
Jeg glæder mig meget til det inspirerende arbejde med at udforske instrumentet yderligere og til at skabe smuk musik på dette mesterværk.
Henrik Brendstrup - Cellist, Professor at The Royal Academy of Music, Aarhus ,Denmark
Having followed the fine craftmanship and admired Noémie´s beautiful instruments from
the distance over some years now, I can now finally call myself the happy owner of a Viaud cello!
It´s a great sounding instrument, elegantly build, and with endless possibilities of development.
I am very much looking forward to the inspirational work of exploring the instrument further, and to make beautiful music on this masterpiece.
Sidsel Feher Most - Freelance musician, Copenhagen
It’s hard to put words to describe how happy I am with my Viaud-Aupperle viola! It's clear, articulate, incredibly easy to play, you can play wildly fast and at the same time have the most amazing sound. I'm so happy!
Rosalía López Sánchez - Freelance viola player, London, Isbilia quartet
I tried violas in many different places. They were good instruments but none of them fully convinced me. I was looking for an instrument with a good balance between the lower and higher registry, with a sound powerful enough to fill up a big hall but at the same time with a sweet and beautiful timbre and tone. I loved Noémie's viola since the first time I played it and every day this instrument is captivating me more and more. It is easy to play and very beautiful. I am really happy with this viola.
Rosalía López Sánchez - Freelance viola player, London, Isbilia quartet
I tried violas in many different places. They were good instruments but none of them fully convinced me. I was looking for an instrument with a good balance between the lower and higher registry, with a sound powerful enough to fill up a big hall but at the same time with a sweet and beautiful timbre and tone. I loved Noémie's viola since the first time I played it and every day this instrument is captivating me more and more. It is easy to play and very beautiful. I am really happy with this viola.
Rosalía López Sánchez - Freelance viola player, London, Isbilia quartet
I tried violas in many different places. They were good instruments but none of them fully convinced me. I was looking for an instrument with a good balance between the lower and higher registry, with a sound powerful enough to fill up a big hall but at the same time with a sweet and beautiful timbre and tone. I loved Noémie's viola since the first time I played it and every day this instrument is captivating me more and more. It is easy to play and very beautiful. I am really happy with this viola.
Wouter Vercruysse - Cellist, Belgium
In 2011 I fell in love for the first time with a modern instrument. My Viaud cello is very agile to play on, lightweight, , and willing to make sound, speaking directly. It produces a big open sound which can be variously colored. It is also gorgeous to look at, with a special red lack - I nicknamed it Den lille Rødhætte. My Viaud cello has become my faithful and reliable companion since then.
Wouter Vercruysse - Cellist, Belgium
In 2011 I fell in love for the first time with a modern instrument. My Viaud cello is very agile to play on, lightweight, , and willing to make sound, speaking directly. It produces a big open sound which can be variously colored. It is also gorgeous to look at, with a special red lack - I nicknamed it Den lille Rødhætte. My Viaud cello has become my faithful and reliable companion since then.
Wouter Vercruysse - Cellist, Belgium
In 2011 I fell in love for the first time with a modern instrument. My Viaud cello is very agile to play on, lightweight, , and willing to make sound, speaking directly. It produces a big open sound which can be variously colored. It is also gorgeous to look at, with a special red lack - I nicknamed it Den lille Rødhætte. My Viaud cello has become my faithful and reliable companion since then.
Jørgen Dickmeiss -
Since I have had my Noémie Viaud violin, it has developed really well and I am extremely pleased with its sound, egality and strength and it responds incredibly fast and is easy to play. I loved it from the start and it has developed well with more depth in the sound. I am very grateful to have found this violin. A perfect match!
Jørgen Dickmeiss -
Since I have had my Noémie Viaud violin, it has developed really well and I am extremely pleased with its sound, egality and strength and it responds incredibly fast and is easy to play. I loved it from the start and it has developed well with more depth in the sound. I am very grateful to have found this violin. A perfect match!
Jørgen Dickmeiss -
Since I have had my Noémie Viaud violin, it has developed really well and I am extremely pleased with its sound, egality and strength and it responds incredibly fast and is easy to play. I loved it from the start and it has developed well with more depth in the sound. I am very grateful to have found this violin. A perfect match!
Kristian Bugge - Folk music fiddler from Denmark
My Viaud violin sings and vibrates incredibly beautifully. It has a very nice open, round and deep sound and it’s easy to play. It’s egal in all registers and reacts very quickly. I was unlucky to get my first Viaud violin stolen which means that I have owned and played two of Noémie’s instruments and both with great pleasure. It was a big relief to feel home again when the one I’m playing now was finally ready!
Kristian Bugge - Folkemusikviolinist fra Danmark
Min Viaud violin synger og vibrerer utrolig skønt imellem hænderne. Den virker blød og naturligt rund i klangen, letspillet og dejlig egal i hele registret. Reagerer hurtigt samtidig med at der er stor dybde i tonen. Desværre var jeg utrolig uheldig at få stjålet min første Viaud violin, det betyder at jeg nu har spillet meget på to af hendes instrumenter, begge med stor fornøjelse. Rigtig skønt at komme "hjem igen", da den jeg spiller på nu blev klar!
Kristian Bugge - Folk music fiddler from Denmark
My Viaud violin sings and vibrates incredibly beautifully. It has a very nice open, round and deep sound and it’s easy to play. It’s egal in all registers and reacts very quickly. I was unlucky to get my first Viaud violin stolen which means that I have owned and played two of Noémie’s instruments and both with great pleasure. It was a big relief to feel home again when the one I’m playing now was finally ready!
Cristian Fatu - Assistant Concertmaster, West Virginia Symphony Orchestra Violin
I am one of the two violinists that participated in the double blind test which was organized by Claudia Fritz and members of the Acoustics and Makers Workshop at Oberlin in 2015. I had the pleasure of testing violins made by some of the most talented and renowned contemporary makers. The violin made by Noémie Viaud ranked in the top 2 of the instruments that were chosen and preferred by the players and listeners. At first I was impressed by the sound I could produce on her violin and when I got to see it, by the refined craftsmanship and attention to detail. I endorse her work and encourage any player to try her instruments.
Cristian Fatu - Assistant Concertmaster, West Virginia Symphony Orchestra Violin
I am one of the two violinists that participated in the double blind test which was organized by Claudia Fritz and members of the Acoustics and Makers Workshop at Oberlin in 2015. I had the pleasure of testing violins made by some of the most talented and renowned contemporary makers. The violin made by Noémie Viaud ranked in the top 2 of the instruments that were chosen and preferred by the players and listeners. At first I was impressed by the sound I could produce on her violin and when I got to see it, by the refined craftsmanship and attention to detail. I endorse her work and encourage any player to try her instruments.
Cristian Fatu - Assistant Concertmaster, West Virginia Symphony Orchestra Violin
I am one of the two violinists that participated in the double blind test which was organized by Claudia Fritz and members of the Acoustics and Makers Workshop at Oberlin in 2015. I had the pleasure of testing violins made by some of the most talented and renowned contemporary makers. The violin made by Noémie Viaud ranked in the top 2 of the instruments that were chosen and preferred by the players and listeners. At first I was impressed by the sound I could produce on her violin and when I got to see it, by the refined craftsmanship and attention to detail. I endorse her work and encourage any player to try her instruments.